If you think you have the right product for the U.S. market, but don’t know how to launch your product to a major retailer in the U.S., you have come to the right place. We have more than 35 years of experience in helping brand-name products to become recognized in the U.S. market. We deal with more than 40,000 retailers nationwide. We work with hundreds of sales representative that have close connections with U.S. retailers from small to the largest. We help build your brand from the beginning to become brand recognition worldwide. We know how to assign the sales rep who is the right match to represent your product. We know what buyers are looking for and what it takes for them to try a new product. We also work with road reps that travel across the U.S. in market shows that can show your product to potential buyers. We have a vendor matrix number with large major department stores and chain stores that can help place your product on the shelf. We also work with distributors that can help sell and distribute your product nationwide. We can help take your brand to a different level and get your brand to be recognized across the globe. Why waste time with a company that does not have connections in the market? Your company can gain rapid growth by working with us. Come and join us and let us work our magic in getting your company to become highly reputable in your industry.